Veterans Health, food as medicine takes center stage as Rockefeller Foundation pilot prescription yields

The duo announced this week that they are working with Boston-based nonprofit About Fresh to enroll veterans in two prescription drug pilot programs at veterans’ health care facilities in Salt Lake City and Houston. Participants who have or are at risk for a diet-related health condition will receive $100 per month of fresh food, nutrition education and ongoing guidance from a registered dietitian to improve their health and food security. receive.

Researchers at the University of Utah will assess the impact of the pilot on participants’ health and medical costs, as well as their satisfaction and usage with the program.

This program has two goals. It is about improving the lives of veterans and enhancing the understanding and use of food as a medical program in the broader health care system, Rockefeller Foundation President Rajiv Shah told officials gathered in Washington this week. .

he explained that he feels ‘Real sense of urgency’After seeing how the negative impacts of COVID-19 have been complicated and magnified, testing and promoting food as food as a potential tool for managing, reversing and preventing diet-related illness matter.

“We lost half a million Americans to COVID, which is probably an underestimate, because demographics had more comorbidities than any other country on the planet. , lost many Americans.” he said.

As such, he added: “The Rockefeller Foundation is proud to have signed an agreement with the Veterans Health Association, the largest integrated health care system in the United States, to promote this food as a medicine.”na

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