VA helps train the next generation of Chicago healthcare providers

Most people may not think of VA when they imagine medical school, but nearly 70% of all physicians in the United States have studied at a VA medical center. More than 113,000 medical trainees each year study at his VA medical centers nationwide, including more than 1,300 at Edward Hines’ Junior VA in the western suburbs of Chicago.

“VA operates the largest healthcare training system in the United States,” said hospital director James Doelling. “You can walk into most clinics and find someone who has been trained in VA.”

In 1946, VA established academic affiliations with medical schools and universities to accommodate the massive influx of World War II veterans. Today, over 1,800 institutions partner with VA medical centers like Hines.

According to hospital records, Hines VA partnered with the War Department in 1941 and with Northwestern University in 1944 to train military doctors. His VA mandate in 1946 allowed the Hines VA to expand its affiliations.

Partnerships play an important role

“Academic partnerships play an important role at Edward Hines, Jr. VA Hospital. We launched partnerships in more than 30 medical specialties a year ago,” said Christina Girgis, M.D., associate director of education in Hines, Virginia.

Loyola University is Hines VA’s largest academic affiliate. In 1962, Hines leased approximately 60 acres of land and built the Stritch School of Medicine next to his main campus in Hines, VA.

Today, more than 850 Loyola University Chicago residents, fellows and students study at Hines.

Felt like a sense of duty to veterans

“Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect when I came here, but the minute I stepped onto this campus, I felt like I was here,” said Dr. Calea Colletta, a neurologist at Hines VA. said.

Coretta joined Hines VA in 2014 as a Loyola Resident Doctor.

“I felt like a sense of duty to this population,” she added. I was able to get treatment for free, so I felt like I could do my best for people who are incredibly deserving.”

In addition to its academic affiliations, the VA offers unique training for many medical professionals, including nursing, psychology, prosthetics, and pharmacology.

“My work makes sense here.”

“There were a lot of really good options out there, but I’m glad I chose to come to Hines. .

“It is very special to be able to give back to our veterans. is needed,” Baker said.

VA spends over $1 billion annually on training and education programs. According to VA’s Academic Affiliation Office, these programs are essential to maintaining a high standard of care. They have contributed to the development of modern healthcare fields such as psychology, geriatrics, hospice and addiction psychiatry.

“Each year we help develop the next generation of highly skilled healthcare providers,” said Doelling. “These men and women provide the very best care for veterans and help build better care in communities across the country.”

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