UNMC’s new mascot has been officially unveiled.newsroom

UNMC lab.

Thanks to a student-led initiative, the University of Nebraska’s Academic Medical Center (known for producing student healthcare leaders, not student-athletes) has officially declared the Labrador Retriever as its mascot.

UNMC Labs is a different field than the Cornhuskers, Mavericks and Ropers, but Nicole Kent, UNMC’s Student Senate Speaker and Student Trustee, said the mascots “connect us and bring us together.” It will give us something to come together as the UNMC community.”

“I am very excited to become the UNMC Lab,” she said.

Today, Kent and other student council leaders will attend the UNMC during Puppy and Popsicles, a Stress Relief Week event scheduled from 11 a.m. to noon on the Ruth and Bill Scott student plaza green space. Lab mascot will be announced to the students of the Paws for Friendship therapy dog.

The first 100 students and the first 50 faculty and staff members will receive t-shirts featuring mascots designed by UNMC Strategic Communications. T-shirts will also be sent to other UNMC campuses for distribution prior to graduation events. UNMC bookstores will be selling Lab apparel and other merchandise in the near future.

UNMC’s Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, said he was proud of the new UNMC mascot. Especially since its creation was driven by his UNMC student leader.

“A great day for the lab,” he said. “Our new mascot reflects UNMC’s ​​student spirit and celebrates his UNMC commitment to transforming life in Nebraska and beyond by embracing our cutting-edge science. “

Kent said the idea for the mascot came to him when a UNMC student senator was interacting with fellow students from other campuses at the University of Nebraska. They found UNMC to be the only campus without a mascot.

So last year, student council leaders proposed a mascot contest as a way to build community among students.

Kent said UNMC students can easily stay apart in many different academic programs. “We wanted something that could bring together students from all colleges and all campuses.”

With the support of the Office of the Chancellor and the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the students moved forward. At the beginning of the school year, they began a submission selection process and received about 50 ideas.

The Student Senate Committee, working with UNMC Strategic Communications, then narrowed the submissions down to four finalists and voted on student favorites.

Labs was the clear winner.

The winning concept of a dog in goggles and a white coat was submitted by UNMC graduate student Caroline Seilstad. It is based on Ellie, her 16-year-old black Labrador who has attended her events on campus over the years. Lab Graphics Her image reflects UNMC’s clinical care and research, along with the breed’s loyal, curious and caring nature.

Designed with the help of the UNMC Strategic Communications creative staff, the official Lab logo (a dog in a white coat with a collar) is a fitting image for a university mascot.

“We are honored to be the UNMC Lab,” said Kent.

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