the power of community

In Brenda La’s heart, there’s something about a close-knit community.

Nearing graduation, she found herself surrounded by everything from the backwaters of Alaska to a group of students she met while attending the University of Colorado medical school.

“One of the most meaningful experiences I had at CU medical school was the opportunity to meet and build relationships with the wonderful people in this community,” says La, co-president of the 2023 class.

La has woven her love of science and medicine through serving the community around her and has no plans to stop when she begins her residency with CU in the Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Training Program this summer. Her chosen specialization, which combines her internal medicine and pediatrics, brings together all aspects of medicine she loves and allows Ra to continue doing meaningful work for the community.

“I think we should give back to the community because we get so much out of it,” La says. “As a first-generation student who needed a lot of resources, I got a lot out of the community, so it means a lot to me to give back now.”

passion for science

Raised in a suburb of Denver, La knew he wanted to pursue a scientific interest even before he entered medical school, but a junior internship led him into medicine.

While La was pursuing a business administration degree from the University of Colorado Boulder, he got a job at a medical device company.

“I was a finance and accounting intern, and when I asked the doctors if I could try the equipment at the hospital, they kindly let me,” says La. “That’s when I knew medicine was what I wanted to do.”

Brenda La Alaska
Brenda La’s journey to medical school stopped in Nome, Alaska, where she taught science camps to local students. Photo credit: Brenda La

Also, as an undergraduate, Ra came up with the idea of ​​starting a science camp. Coincidentally, in Nome, Alaska, where her Eskimo community is based, she says her friends gave her children the chance to teach science. It was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up.

Ra says he was learning while he was teaching.

“They taught me about their culture and what was really valuable to them,” she says. “Their land is at the center of their activity, so when the tide comes in they drop everything and fish because that’s their winter food source.”

These experiences solidified her path to medicine. La earned a business degree along with the necessary prerequisites for her medical school.

underserved and undervalued

Prior to medical school, La volunteered at the Aurora-based DAWN Clinic. The clinic provides medical services to the city’s underserved population while providing training opportunities for many of her CU Anschutz Medical Campus students.

As the clinic’s care coordinator, La helped address the social and economic needs of patients. Many of the patients were newly settled immigrants and refugees. Ra says it reminded her of her own family.

“They were like my parents. The Vietnamese immigrants who came here didn’t speak very good English,” she says. “I found myself very vulnerable to underserved communities and people I wanted to work with for the future. I would like to, but the least I can do is participate.”

Brenda La's parents
Brenda La, center, poses with her parents on game day. After her graduation, La will begin a medical pediatrics residency program at the University of Colorado.Photo credit: Brenda La

La found a sense of purpose at the DAWN Clinic. This is because helping one of hers in a close-knit community made up of immigrants and refugees goes a long way. Patients may refer a cousin or neighbor in need because the clinic is trusted.

Become a class co-chair and leader

When she finally got accepted into medical school, Ra knew the course load was huge and busy, but she still made serving her new community a priority.

“As soon as I got to orientation, I met some senior co-presidents and thought they were great,” Ra says. “I was encouraged to run, but I was still not sure if I should run.”

As class co-president, Brenda La, second from right, had to serve and advocate for her classmates. Ra, she says, was a challenging position that enriched her experience in medical school.Photo credit: Brenda La

Until the night before the election, Ra was going back and forth on whether or not he should make the leap.

“I asked myself if I would at least regret not trying, so I finally put my name in the painting,” she says. She “feels very lucky to be in a position to advocate for her classmates now.”

La says her role has created connections with her fellow medical students and taught her to stay true to her values.

“One of the most important things I’ve learned as co-chair is that I can’t please everyone, but we always make sure everyone feels heard. I think we can,” she says. “No matter what everyone says, even with some backlash, there is a lot of love. As long as we have a big vision, love our classmates and each other, and stay true to our values, we will succeed.” will.”

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