Texas House Debate on Treatment Ban for Transgender Youth Delayed Again

AUSTIN—Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives have again successfully postponed debate on a bill banning certain medical treatments for transgender youth.

During a debate on the House floor Friday afternoon, Clint’s Rep. Mary Gonzalez brought up a procedural tactic known as a point of order against the bill. She argued that analysis was seriously misleading. Her order was eventually rescinded, but Republicans agreed to return the bill to the commission.

This is the second time this week that House Democrats have successfully delayed debate on the controversial bill. They were able to send the same bill back to the commission on Tuesday using another order claiming that the name of the organization mentioned in the analysis was misspelled.

The bill was sent back to the House Committee on Public Health late Friday, where it was approved by a 6-4 vote, in line with party line. Said he’d be back.

Protesters kicked out of Texas House after delay in passing transgender youth care bill

Senate Bill 14 prohibits physicians from providing minors with treatments such as puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and surgery for the purpose of “transforming a child’s biological sex,” and bans offenders’ medical licenses. requesting the Texas Medical Commission to cancel the

Patients currently receiving these treatments, as currently written, can continue to be treated under strict guidelines. Adults and intersex patients are not prohibited from receiving this care.

The bill also prohibits taxpayer money from flowing to individuals and entities, such as public colleges and universities, that provide such treatment to minors.

Dr. Tom Oliverson, the bill’s House sponsor, got only a few words to introduce it when the ordering point was called. child protection law aimed at ensuring that the children of the United States are protected.”

R-Cypress’s Oliverson said: dallas morning news The delay only strengthened his resolve.

“They will eventually lose and this bill will pass. I will be back again and again. I will never leave here without it,” he said.

The law is one of several bills that adversely affect LGBTQ rights, including one that criminalizes drag shows, limits transgender athletes, and regulates discussion of LGBTQ issues in schools. Although Gov. Greg Abbott has not taken a public position on this particular bill, last year he directed state Child Protective Services agencies to investigate parents of transgender children for child abuse.

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There are an estimated 29,800 transgender people in Texas between the ages of 13 and 17, according to a recent statistical analysis by the Williams Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles.

The American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and other national medical groups all recommend age-appropriate and individualized treatments, such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy, for minors experiencing gender identity disorder. is supporting

But the Texas Medical Association, the state’s largest group of doctors, has taken a neutral stance on the law, urging legislators to make significant changes. After issuing an open letter, the group’s position has not changed this week, its spokesman confirmed.

Protests by opponents of the bill disrupted Tuesday’s debate, leading to the arrest of two LGBTQ rights activists. Supporters and opponents alike flocked to watch Friday’s debate.

Proponents of the bill, wearing red “SAVE TEXAS KIDS” T-shirts, took seats in the House Gallery early on and waited in silence for hours while legislators debated other measures. Meanwhile, right-wing LGBTQ activists, dressed in purple and carrying gay and transgender pride flags, gathered in the Capitol extension and waited for the morning. In the afternoon, a group killing time in an empty legislative hearing room burst into an impromptu group singing “I’m Coming Out” by Diana Ross.

After a delayed debate, LGBTQ citizens of Texas and their supporters gathered in the Capitol building extension to discuss the week’s events. Emmett Schelling of the Texas Transgender Education Network urged them to do so.

“Your participation is a daily reminder that our work is worth it,” he told the crowd of activists. “I know it’s hard. I’m with you. But I can tell you, we’ll win this.

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