Spanish women’s race apologizes for food processor, fat-free gift

Associated PressMay 8, 2023 at 11:50 AM ET1 minute read

Organizers of the women’s running race in Madrid-Spain apologized Monday for sparking accusations of sexism after winners were offered food processors to take home.

The 7-kilometer Carrera de la Mujere women’s race released a statement on Twitter, saying it did not believe the kitchen utensils donated by its sponsors had a sexist connotation.

“Sorry, but we believe this is a non-sexist product and ideal for athletes looking to improve their nutritional habits,” the statement said. is not.”

Organizers promised to “take measures” to prevent similar incidents in the future.

Serbia’s Ivana Zagorac won the race on Sunday in an amateur event with 32,000 women in attendance, in 24:07. The Madrid race coincides with Mother’s Day in Spain and supports survivors of domestic violence and cancer.It will be held in other cities across Spain.

The food processor controversy got little attention until Angela Rodriguez Pam, Spain’s secretary of state for equality, tweeted that the winner was awarded a food processor and everyone else was given a 0% fat product. did not.

Rodriguez Pam tweeted, “If I win I’ll be a stay-at-home mom, at least I’ll lose weight.”

The race previously featured T-shirts with the slogan “Today the girls win!”

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