Baltimore — One of the nation’s largest radiological conferences is taking place this weekend in Baltimore.
WJZ spoke with a radiologist who specializes in breast cancer about treatment innovations.
Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women in the United States, and early detection leads to better outcomes.
“It’s critically important for patient survival odds mortality, but also for less invasive treatments and improving patient cosmetic outcomes,” said Amy Patel, Ph.D., breast radiologist at Liberty Hospital. .
The traditional method of finding tumors, known as wire localization, only adds to the stress and discomfort experienced by breast cancer patients.
There are now alternative approaches gaining momentum in the field of breast surgery, and Patel is leading the way.
“We are always looking at patient experience and patient comfort,” Patel said. has been a game-changer for patients.”
Molli is a wireless technology for breast cancer surgery. This is one of the advances that is changing the treatment of breast cancer.
The new treatment options are less invasive, Dr. Patel said.
“It allows the surgeon to minimize the amount of tissue, but at the same time allows for negative margins during surgery, so patients can get really great cosmetic results, especially for those who qualify for lumpectomy. You can get it,” she said.
Patel said the best thing women can do for themselves is to be their own biggest health advocates and get regular breast cancer screenings.