Pop-up clinics at SageNet centers offer free healthcare services to those in need

The OSU Health Science Center has partnered with Remote Area Medical (RAM) to host a free clinic this weekend at the SageNet Center for those in need. The two-day pop-up clinic offers a range of healthcare services, including dental, medical, and eye services.

All services are free and offered on a first-come, first-served basis. No ID or insurance required.

RAM’s goal is to provide access to health care to those who need it and, in some cases, to those who are unable to receive certain types of care because they do not have insurance covering certain services. to provide.

“After that, we hope people can be put back into the Oklahoma health system so they can continue to receive the care they need,” said Stacie Pace, network director of the OSU Center for Health System Innovation. .

RAM has placed these clinics across the country, and RAM invites everyone to attend. RAM understands that there are many reasons why people do not have access to adequate health care and is committed to removing barriers to health care where possible.

“Our focus is on removing or reducing the barriers people encounter when seeking health care. Anything is possible from the fear of going,” said RAM senior Audra Fitzgerald. said the clinic coordinator.

Doors to the clinic at the SageNet Center will open at 6am on both Saturday, May 6th and Sunday, May 7th. However, people can start lining up at the Expo Center on his Friday, May 5th at 11:59pm.

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