Omaha, Nebraska (WOWT) – Omaha’s water utility, the Metropolitan Utility District (MUD), has released its annual report detailing water quality.
MUD claims the report confirms that Omaha’s water meets or exceeds all state and federal standards. This report includes data from January 1 to December 31, 2022 and details drinking water sources, treatment processes and what is inspected.
water source
According to the report, MUD supplies drinking water from the Missouri and Platte Rivers and the Dakota Sandstone Aquifer. These water sources include surface water (the Missouri River), groundwater, and groundwater under the influence of surface water (the Platte River).
Water is pumped from intakes and wells managed by MUD and delivered to treatment plants in Florence, Platte West and Platte South.
MUD said it has wellhead protection plans for the Platte South and Platte West wells. Source protection is the concept of protecting land around water sources to prevent pollution.
water treatment
According to the MUD report, the water treatment process involves four steps: sedimentation, clarification and softening, disinfection, and filtration.
Sedimentation causes silt to settle. Clarification and softening remove silt and hardness. Disinfection destroys bacteria and parasites. Filtration removes fine suspended matter.
MUD’s water treatment process uses chloramine, a water disinfectant, and fluoride, which prevents tooth decay.
Chloramines are a mixture of chlorine and ammonia and are used in approximately 20% of US water systems. According to MUD, chloramines are safe for warm-blooded animals to consume because they don’t dissipate as quickly as chlorine and are neutralized by the digestive system. before chloramine reaches the bloodstream. Cold-blooded animals cannot safely drink chloramine-treated water, so fish owners should use water filters or treatment products.
MUD says fluoride is added to water to promote dental health.Omaha voters approved adding fluoride to drinking water in 1968. And in 2008, the Nebraska Legislature passed a law requiring all cities with more than 1,000 residents to fluoridate their drinking water. Rivers provide 0.3 to 0.5 parts per million (ppm) of natural fluoride. MUD adds fluoride to reach 0.7 ppm in tap water. The federal limit for fluoride is 4.0 ppm.
water quality test
More than 140 potential water contaminants have been tested by MUD, including metals such as nickel, iron and lead, and viruses such as E. coli.
Cryptosporidium, a parasite that lives in surface waters, was another contaminant tested by MUD and can cause diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramps. MUD claims no Cryptosporidium was detected in any of the samples.
Lead is tested monthly, and MUD claims no lead has been detected in water sources, finished water from water treatment plants, or in water mains. According to MUD, some Omaha areas may have lead water pipes, and residents with lead service lines can request testing.
MUD claims its water treatment process is designed not to leach lead and copper, but residents should clean their faucet aerators and let the water run from the faucet for 30 seconds to two minutes before using. You can further reduce your risk in several ways, including: Not used for more than 30 minutes. Water for cooking and drinking should also be used only from cold taps.
According to MUD, customers with concerns or questions about water can call the EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791.
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