Study design and population
Cross-sectional pre-training survey using the Modified Attitudes to Health Team Scale (ATHCTS)[9] was conducted from November 2019 to January 2020 with healthcare providers undergoing a two-day interactive interprofessional HIV training in Kumasi and Agogo. AFREhealth Network and University of California, San Francisco [1]The main training was preceded by trainer training to facilitate subsequent training. The trainees were from the following medical professions: Medicine and Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, Nursing and Midwifery, and Medical Laboratory Science. Health workers were selected from her 1 teaching hospital and his 5 district hospitals in the Ashanti region. Bek Wai Municipal Hospital; Obuasi Government Hospital and Agogo Presbyterian Hospital. Medical professionals consisted of old and new providers. New providers were newly qualified health professionals within 12 months of graduation. New providers therefore included house officers, interns, and rotating nurses/midwives. The old provider was a professional who worked for more than 12 months after qualifying. Training was conducted in English. All trainees were fluent in English.
Research location
KATH is the second largest hospital in Ghana and one of the leading tertiary healthcare institutions in Northern Ghana. It is a 1,200-bed hospital with 12 clinical departments, including a medical department. The hospital trains different categories of medical professionals, including nurses and midwives, medical and dental students, pharmacy students, laboratory scientists, house officers, and graduate resident physicians. The medical school has several subspecialties, including an infectious diseases unit with a dedicated HIV clinic. Patients in HIV clinics are managed by a team of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other health care providers. HIV clinics were held twice a week for adults and children and he three times. An average of 300 of her HIV adult and pediatric patients were seen at his 80 clinic each year. Other departments, such as obstetrics and gynecology, are also working with unit doctors to respond to cases. The other hospitals were the first referral hospitals (district hospitals) in their respective districts/metropolitan areas. Every hospital had a specific clinic for her people living with HIV, and each facility/clinic served an average of 1000-2500 cases per year (approximately 100-300 new cases). rice field. With the exception of Agogo Presbyterian Hospital, all other hospitals were supported at the time by the (US) President’s Emergency Fund for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR).
Research procedure
We engaged key stakeholders from partner institutions and facilities from the beginning of the program through planning and implementation. All five KATH health care professionals, house officers, interns, and health care professionals involved in HIV care at selected hospitals were eligible for training. Within KATH, the number of participants from each profession was selected by the program/unit director in proportion to the number of people in the unit. For selected hospital health workers, 12 professionals working in HIV care were selected by unit heads for training.
To assess trainee attitudes toward the interprofessional medical team, participants were asked to complete an online Google Forms (Google, Inc., Mountain View, CA, USA) pre-training questionnaire in English. I was. . [9]This modified scale was adapted from Heinemann et al. [10]identified three main factors influencing attitudes: quality of care, cost of team care, and physician centrality, and consisted of 14, 7, and 6 items, respectively. [10]For a modified ATHCTS, Curran et al.We selected 11 items from the quality of care factor and 3 items from the cost of team care factor as appropriate for prelicensure students with little or no experience with items related to physician centrality. [9]We chose a 14-item modified scale because it has been recommended for assessing attitudes towards the health care team among various health care professionals. [9, 11, 12]Surveys were typically completed within 24 hours prior to training. The survey tool included a section on trainee characteristics (age, gender, occupation, health facility, and professional experience) and 14 items on her ATHCTS adapted. Responses to the 14 items were scored on a five-point Likert scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The three items related to time constraints, where consent was expressed as expressing a negative attitude, had opposite scores. Total scores ranged from 14 to 70, with higher scores indicating more positive attitudes towards the interprofessional care team.
statistical analysis
Data were summarized using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation for continuous variables and frequency and percentage for categorical variables. An exploratory factor analysis was performed to classify the 14 items of the modified ATHCTS. The suitability of the data for factor analysis was assessed. The correlation matrix showed several coefficients above 0.3. This indicates that there is a high correlation between items in the factor analysis. [13]. Bartlett test for sphericity (p< 0.001) とカイザー・マイヤー・オルキンのサンプリング妥当性の尺度 (0.79) は、次元削減の適用との強い相関関係を確認しました [13, 14] 修正 ATHCTS の 14 項目の中で、因子分析のためのサンプルの妥当性をそれぞれ評価します。 主成分分析を使用して因子抽出を実行し、固有値 > We kept the factors with 1 (Kaiser’s criterion). Factor rotation was performed using Varimax rotation and items with a factor loading of at least 0.4 were considered to contribute to the factor. [14, 15]Internal consistency was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha with a threshold of 0.7. [16]The overall Cronbach alpha for the corrected 14 items was 0.71. Overall mean scores were estimated by adding all 14 items. All negatively worded statements were scored inversely. Data were checked for normality using the Shapiro–Wilk normality test. Overall attitude scores were not normally distributed (p= 0.005). Therefore, the Wilcoxon rank sum (Mann-Whitney) test and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used to test average attitude differences between demographic features. All statistical analyzes were performed using Stata 17.0 (StataCorp, TX, USA) and p< 0.05 was considered statistically significant.