Food & Water Watch Launches Dynamic Digital Resource Hub to Defend Dangerous Carbon Capture Hype

“Our carbon capture fraud web hub gives people an opportunity to take action, fight back against CCS and enable a truly clean and renewable energy future.”

Today, national advocacy group Food & Water Watch battles the widespread fallacy that carbon capture and storage (CCS) is (or could be) a legitimate solution to the climate crisis. has launched a dynamic web-based multimedia resource hub. carbon capture scamthe digital web capabilities are striking, with video storytelling and expert testimonials, fresh analysis and opinion, and avenues for audience participation in the growing national campaign to stop funding and development of CCS projects. It combines repositories of original research.

CCS refers to an unproven technology designed to capture and remove carbon emitted from chimneys or the atmosphere itself. The concept is touted by the fossil fuel industry and many in both parties as a means of mitigating the devastating climate impacts of oil and gas extraction and burning. The bipartisan Infrastructure Act has allocated billions of dollars for the development and deployment of carbon capture. The Control Inflation Act allocated billions more. And just last week, the Environmental Protection Agency released a power plant rule to promote carbon capture.

carbon capture scam A one-stop web resource that incorporates dynamic digital narratives, infographics and multimedia content and links to research reports, news analysis and advocacy opportunities for those seeking the basic truth about CCS. Intended for a wide audience.

“The fossil fuel industry has spent millions of dollars promoting carbon capture, and policymakers at all levels have taken the bait and put billions of dollars into supporting its development. It is a lifeline for the fuel industry and a dangerous distraction from the urgent need to transition away from oil and gas.” Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenona Houter. “our carbon capture scam Through in-depth research, the web hub reveals the industry behind CCS, giving people an opportunity to take action and fight back against CCS to achieve a truly clean and renewable energy future. . ”

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