Effectiveness of Minimally Invasive Parafascial Surgery in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Andrew Russman, DO

Watch time: 5 minutes

“Not every patient is a good candidate. Looking at the ENRICH results, we can see that the cause is lobar hemorrhage. But let’s not forget, it gives amazing results when draining deep bleeding.”

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), a hemorrhage near the surface or deep regions of the brain, affects more than 2 million people each year and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Up to 50% of people now die within 30 days of ICH, highlighting the need for new options. At the 2023 American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, April 22-27, researchers will present positive data from the ENRICH trial (NCT), a standard of care for ICH. We showed the superiority of NICO Corporation’s technology against

A randomized, adaptive clinical trial specifically evaluated early minimally invasive paramuscular surgery (MIPS) using NICO’s complete technology solution, including NICO BrainPath and NICO Myriad. In the primary analysis group of 300 patients with spontaneous hemorrhagic stroke, the Utility Weighted Modified Rankin Scale (UWmRS) at 180 days was the primary outcome. Overall, at the end of the 6-month observation period, the mean UWmRS score was 0.458 in the MIPS group and 0.374 in patients receiving conventional medical management (MM) according to American Heart Association/American Stroke Association guidelines.

Findings showed that MIPS is safe, with an overall mortality rate of 21.7% (MIPS: 20%; MM: 23.3%) at 6 months. For more information on our findings, please visit neurology live® met with Andrew Russman, DO, Director of the Stroke Program and Medical Director of the Comprehensive Stroke Center at the Cleveland Clinic to present the results. Russman spoke about the uniqueness of the trial, the benefits seen from MIPS, and the importance of effectively treating ICH.

Click here for more information on AAN 2023.

1. NICO Corporation announces world’s first positive surgical trial for the deadliest type of stroke. News release. April 22, 2023. Accessed April 25, 2023. -stroke-301804756.html

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