Bill allows denial of medical care to you based on moral, ethical, or religious beliefs

A bill that would allow health care providers and payers to refuse to provide health care services based on subjectively held moral, ethical, or religious beliefs is moving quickly through legislatures and will soon sent to the governor for signature. This bill (SB 1580/HB 1403) creates a state-sanctioned license to discriminate in the provision of any health care service.

The bill is, frankly, shocking in its breadth and ambiguity, and the government’s outreach to the private sector and regulated businesses.

Not only would the bill allow providers and entities to refuse medical care, but it would also allow employees to refuse medical care if they claim it was for ethical, moral, or religious beliefs. Prevent employers from taking unfavorable action against employees who refuse such medical care. Employers are therefore forced to retain employees who refuse to work.

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