Australian Healthcare Practitioners Regulatory Agency

Worried about cosmetic surgery?  Call our hotline on 1300 361 041.

In an emergency, you can always seek treatment in the hospital’s emergency department.

If you have concerns about your cosmetic surgery experience, or if something serious happens, it’s usually best to start with the person who provided the service. Suitable for

Even if your personal concerns have been addressed by the practitioner who provided the service, you may also report ongoing public safety concerns. Cosmetic Surgery Hotline – 1300 361 041If we know about your concerns, we can investigate.Patients can make complaints confidentially and the name of the person making the complaint will not be given to the practitioner

of Cosmetic Surgery Hotline1300 361 041 is run by a dedicated team supporting the newly established cosmetic surgery execution unit. This team understands the challenges of patients who are unsure of whether and where to report their experiences. Teams can help patients share relevant information and guide them through the process.

If there are other agencies or groups that may be better suited to assist you, our hotline staff will help connect you with them.

What if I sign an NDA?

Patients who are dissatisfied with the services provided by registered health care providers often express their concerns and seek redress directly from the health care provider. These claims may be resolved between the patient and the practitioner. Yes, and the practitioner also signs a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) regarding it.

An NDA is an agreement where you agree not to disclose certain confidential information to other people, called third parties.

Some people who have signed an NDA may also wish to inform Ahpra of a practitioner’s performance or behavior in order to prevent other patients from having the same experience. , can protect other patients.

We believe that the NDA does not prevent patients from giving notice. However, if you have signed an NDA and wish to notify Ahpra, we recommend that you consult with an attorney to ensure that you are comfortable raising concerns in your notice.

Article 237 of the National Law is relevant in this regard. This Section means that a person who provides notice or information under domestic law in good faith shall not be liable under civil, criminal or administrative procedures for providing information.

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